Visit California ‘excited’ to launch training tool for agents

Visit California is set to launch a new training tool for travel agents in the UK.

The body’s president and chief executive Caroline Beteta made the announcement in London on Wednesday.

She said: “We’ve had a very successful agent platform and now our office here in Britain is launching a brand new training tool – a podcast starting in July. It will have monthly guests so we’re very excited about this.”

Beteta visited along with 17 chief executives from her state’s travel and tourism industry as they looked to underline the importance of the UK market.

During a press conference at Somerset House on the Strand, Beteta said: “The UK gives us so much hope and optimism both on a marketing front leading the way and from a consumer perspective, so we thank you for all your support over the years.”

She said the podcast is starting in the UK, with the hope it will eventually be rolled out globally.

California’s tourism industry has bounced back well from the pandemic, Beteta said, with figures showing the state is performing at 93% of 2019 levels.

Consumer spending has recovered to 98% of the total from 2019, she added, while British air traffic is “expected to surpass 100% of 2019 air traffic”.

Beteta said $4m has been invested in marketing activity in the UK, with the millennial and family market being among the focuses.

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