Hummingbird Travel outlines strategic vision for 2024

Hummingbird Travel plans to reduce the number of hotels it promotes and place a “heightened emphasis” on core products as it looks to “refine” its focus for 2024.

The Maldives-based DMC outlined its strategic vision at its first general manager appreciation event, which was held in the Maldives on January 22.

The event was hosted to “express gratitude” to the general managers of the key properties it works with and was attended by the brand’s dedicated Malé team.

Hummingbird Travel said the overarching theme of the evening was “fostering closer partnerships, collaboration, and trust within the industry”.

The brand’s chief technology officer, Abdulla Kaleem, outlined the company’s technological vision. Head of contracting and systems Abdulla Zahir spoke about hotel partnerships and highlighted his “pride” in having “the largest Maldivian team in the travel industry”. The event also heard from commercial director Iva Acrabova.

Hummingbird Travel said the event received an “overwhelmingly positive response” and is considering making the gathering an annual tradition

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