Travel Counsellors unveils responsible travel brochure for Earth Day

Travel Counsellors has introduced the second edition of its Responsible Travel campaign to align with World Earth Day, an annual global environmental event on April 22.

The initiative aims to educate the Travel Counsellors community and customers about responsible travel practices.

It features a digital brochure called ‘Journeys with Care’, with information for holidaymakers about how to travel more sustainably.

Its five chapters – Adventure, Beach, Couples, Cruise and Family – showcase hotel sustainability initiatives and Travel Counsellors’ Green leaf-labelled hotels.

Further marketing materials include dedicated emails, e-cards and social assets alongside a training guide and information for agents.

The campaign follows another new Travel Counsellors initiative to find the company’s ‘Sustainability Champions’.

Agents submitted their ideas for a sustainable travel itinerary and the 15 successful travel counsellors are now studying the Global Sustainable Tourism Council’s Sustainable Tourism Course or its corporate travel equivalent.

They will earn a GSTC Professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism, reinforcing the company’s commitment to sustainability.

Joe Whittle (pictured), sustainability and impact lead at Travel Counsellors, said: “Travel Counsellors’ latest Responsible Travel campaign represents a change in the way we look at sustainability in travel as we aim to engage a broader set of people by showing them how making more responsible switches can actually add to their experience.

“This is no longer a niche subject and it’s something we want more people to get involved with.

“By educating our community and highlighting the products that are making a difference, we are demonstrating our commitment to fostering a more sustainable future for the travel industry.

“We are more aware than ever of the need to work together with partners towards shared goals in this area.”

A recent survey by Travel Counsellors found that more than half of respondents (54%) are looking for travel companies to offer more sustainable options.

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