Travel Counsellors holds anniversary celebrations for agents and staff

Travel Counsellors has celebrated an ‘Anniversary Day’ for agents and support team staff who have notched milestones with the business.

Homeworker Lisa Hillyard has reached the 25-year mark, while four fellow agents have chalked up their 20th anniversary with the franchise: Michelle Leonard, Claire Tavender, Sue Plummer and Becky Stephenson.

Their support team colleagues Karen Hurst and Sandie Fisher celebrated 25 years with Travel Counsellors during the event last week.

Travel Counsellors engagement director Karen Morris said: “We are so pleased to celebrate these brilliant business owners and support team colleagues, who are not only celebrating some outstanding milestones, but are reflective of a caring community who truly make it their priority to be there for their customers, and support each other’s corporate and leisure travel businesses too.”

Bolton-based Leonard said her business has gone from strength to strength during her two decades with Travel Counsellors, describing herself as “beyond proud” at reaching the milestone.

She said 80% of her clients are returning customers and she now regards many as friends.

Hurst, GDS and corporate client tech lead, has been with the business since 1998. She shared a toast with her colleague Sandie Fisher, operations manager.

Hurst said it had been a pleasure to watch Travel Counsellors’ growth over the years and a “privilege” to have made a contribution, particularly within corporate travel division Travel Counsellors for Business.

Hailing the anniversary group, Morris said: “These milestones are not only one for the history books but point to a bright future for those business owners who may have just started their business with Travel Counsellors, building corporate and leisure travel businesses that see returning customers and clients across the decades.”

Photo: Michelle Leonard, Claire Tavender, Karen Hurst, Lisa Hillyard, Sandie Fisher, Sue Plummer and Becky Stephenson

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