Ten agents join AE Expeditions on Greg Mortimer fam to Arctic

Ten specialist agents have taken part in a 10-day expedition cruise to explore the Arctic on AE Expeditions’ Greg Mortimer vessel.

The fam trip was hosted by the cruise line’s Katie Harber, business development manager, and Karen Hollands, sales support.

The UK and European agents met in Longyearbyen before boarding the ship for the expedition cruise to Svalbard.

Harber said: “The best way to understand the uniqueness of AE Expeditions, and what sets us apart, is for our specialist travel partners to join us for a first-hand experience exploring one of our remote polar regions.

“Svalbard is one of our most popular destinations offering dramatic glaciers, endless sea-ice, and spectacular wildlife.”

The group saw Beluga whale pods, bearded seals singing, humpback whales and a polar bear.

Hollands added: “In the springtime, the tundra comes alive with bright pink saxifrage, and a cacophony of nesting guillemot, kittiwakes and fulmars.

“It really is a breath-taking time to be exploring this remote region, and we wanted our valued partners to experience it with us.

“We landed on the sea-ice at the 80th parallel with only 10 degrees between us and the North Pole.”

Laura Wing, senior specialist concierge from Six Star Cruises, commented: “AE Expedition is our dedicated expedition partner because their itineraries perfectly match our ethos of expert-led, experiential voyages with a strong commitment to conservation.

“The wildlife sightings on this expedition have been amazing, but even to just stand on deck looking out at the vista is incredible.

“Our clients are increasingly seeking expeditions which offer authentic travel experiences with more sustainable cruise line which offers a comfortable and high standard of ship experience.

“That is why our first booking with AE Expeditions was for the Captain’s Suite on their Across the Arctic Circle voyage.”

Kasey Green, senior travel specialist representing Polar Routes, added: “As polar expedition cruise specialists, we take great pride in our first-hand knowledge of ships, itineraries, and amazing destinations.

“AE Expeditions is one of our preferred partners as they offer a well-rounded product, a personal experience, and a very knowledgeable expedition team.

Greg Mortimer is a high-end ship, which has the unique ability to maintain a proper expedition experience without compromising on comfort.”

Harber added: “We consider that showcasing our ships and itineraries is an invaluable part of our relationship with our travel partners.

“The agents on this trip have all commented that the value and experience of a familiarisation trip should never be underestimated.

“Being able to share a first-hand expedition experience is the most effective way of confirming a reservation.

“That is why AE Expeditions fully support agent trips and has plans in place to host more to both polar regions.”

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