Elegant Resorts reveals peaks booking trends

New data from Elegant Resorts suggests booking habits have shifted due to the cost-of-living crisis and higher prices of travel.

The luxury tour operator said that on average people are booking holidays eight months in advance with the lead in booking period increasing from 156 days to 242 days in 2024 as travellers try to secure better prices.

However, the brand also said that to “make up for the price increase,” clients are booking longer trips. In 2023, the average holiday length was 10.2 days whereas it is now 11.5 days, indicating an 11% increase.

This has also led to a 9% increase in the average booking value over the past year, rising from £22.2k to £24.6k, Elegant Resorts revealed.

The brand said booking trends showed that clients were booking farther afield. While Europe was the top seller in 2023, this year Barbados has been the best-selling destination for Elegant resorts.

This is followed by Spain, particularly the Canary Islands, Greece, United Arab Emirates and the Maldives.

Among the most popular hotels and resorts for Elegant Resorts’ clients are Sandy Lane in Barbados, Ikos Resorts across Greece, One&Only’s properties in the Maldives and the Middle East and wellness sanctuary Chiva-Som in Thailand.

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