Classic Collection aims to boost trade engagement with open forum

Classic Collection is hoping to enhance its relationship with the trade with a new open forum concept called Classic Connect.

The operator will host 15 agents at a time on three days within the next six months to talk to the trade about how they are engaging with product, as well as their thoughts on Classic’s customer service.

Senior management and heads of department will attend the sessions, which will be held in the north of England, south of England and Midlands.

Classic Collection also plans to host some sessions abroad next year.

Director of agency sales & marketing Si Morris-Green said: “Classic Connect will be a two-way street where travel agents will tell us what they want around product, customer experience and service, as well as us asking them questions.

“We want it to be an open conversation where we all share how we feel and improve together.

“Classic Connect will also give us the ability to get more data on how are agents are making sales, for example, whether it is through their existing client base or maybe their utilising social media to reach new customers.

“That will then help us shape how we tailor content so they can use it more effectively.”

Leanne Edwards (pictured), head of sales north, added: “We’ve got a fantastic relationship with the trade already but we want to keep enhancing that and continue to build on it. It’s all about building deeper relationships.

“The trade is at the heart of everything we do. Without you, there is no us.”

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