‘Bucket list’ holiday bookings more than triple since pandemic, Not Just Travel finds

‘Bucket list’ holidays have become more frequent since the pandemic, Not Just Travel has found, as its agents report “milestone” trip bookings have more than tripled in popularity.

Citing a change in priorities since Covid as the reason for the uptick in desire, Not Just Travel co-founder Steve Witt (pictured) said milestone holidays have risen from 10% of bookings in 2019 to 35% this year.

He said customers have gone from only booking a bucket list holiday occasionally to booking one every year or every few years.

“Bucket list holidays used to be a rarity for consumers, they were big purchases you’d save for and do once,” he said.

“Today the trend is milestone holidays which are happening more and more frequently.

“After Covid, people changed priorities and realised travel and doing the things they want are more important than ever.

“Bucket lists used to account for about 10% of our sales and would happen occasionally. Today, milestone holidays account for an estimated 35% of our sales as people are booking them as often as once a year or once every few years.”

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