Advantage signs up to gender equality drive" alt="" width="299" height="199" align="right" class="newsArticleImage">

Travel agency consortium Advantage has pledged to support the government’s gender equality in the workplace initiative 'Think, Act, Report'.

The voluntary initiative, which has the support of over 140 leading companies, aims to drive greater transparency on women’s workforce issues.

It also aims to help companies think about gender equality in recruitment, retention, promotion and pay.

Women comprise 61% (31 out of 51 people) of the Advantage workforce, five of whom have chosen to return part-time after maternity leave.

Four of the 12 directors on the board are women, as is the company secretary, and last year it appointed a woman as its managing director following the departure of John McEwan.

Julia Lo Bue-Said, managing director of Advantage Travel Partnership, said: “Advantage is committed to equal opportunities in the workplace and became involved with this campaign through our work with Women 1st.?

“We offer all employees flexible working including part-time or compressed hours as well as the opportunity to work from home.? A company such as ours is only as good as the people here so we want to support and invest in them as much as possible.”

Bue-Said attended a ministerial event hosted by Helen Grant MP yesterday, regarding the Think, Act, Report initiative which falls in the week of International